Friday, December 18, 2009

Our HeARTs are HEALing

I’ve been thinking and feeling a lot about what it takes to pave new roads in our lives. As we move towards the end of 2009 and into the New Year we wonder what’s in-store and hope to manifest brighter days and give thanks for all that we have been blessed by, in all its shades and tones. The fact is that the collective consciousness, the global structure as whole is going through a massive healing crisis. This is more evident in some areas of life but is present in the whole of life, the whole macro and micro cosmos are in transit, they are moving through a fire to purify and enliven the life force with which we live in and live through. So individually we to are going through our own massive healing crisis, in alignment, the beauty of a healing crisis is the parody between the words HEALing and CRISIS.

Blessings come with your actions towards the crisis, with courage and willingness to sort through in honesty and leaving no stone unturned in your efforts to clean, clear and bring harmony where it is needed. To look at the darkest to receive the brightness, to accept your weaknesses as in there will lye your strengths and to become aware of your body of pain or pain body and how you feed it and how it makes decision for you, instead of your pure heart.

Below are two varying yet similar explanation of the pain body to give you some awareness and sight, these two great teachers write extensively about this subject for further exploration and understanding.

“The body of pain is the animal in us that causes us to act and react, creating tragedy in our lives. The body of pain is an unconscious entity within; a living energy field that engorges itself on your life energy. It thrives on pain, pain felt by the individual and pain inflicted by the individual on others. As it is fed with experience, the body of pain releases an addictive chemical in the physical body. Over time, we come to crave the sensations created when our body of pain is activated. This is how the body of pain becomes a vehicle for karma. Understand that no one is immune to the influence of their body of pain. It is the body of pain that determines the outcome of our lives, because it is the source of all disease, disorder and imbalance. Moreover, the body of pain influences the choices that shape the quality of our experiences and the extent to which we are able to find fulfillment. By extension, the body of pain influences our families, communities, nation and planet. “
Joseph Michael Levry

“The pain-body is my term for the accumulation of old emotional pain that almost all people carry in their energy field. I see it as a semi-autonomous psychic entity. It consists of negative emotions that were not faced, accepted, and then let go in the moment they arose. These negative emotions leave a residue of emotional pain, which is stored in the cells of the body. There is also a collective human pain-body containing the pain suffered by countless human beings throughout history. The pain-body has a dormant stage and an active stage. Periodically it becomes activated, and when it does, it seeks more suffering to feed on. If you are not absolutely present, it takes over your mind and feeds on negative thinking as well as negative experiences such as drama in relationships. This is how it has been perpetuating itself throughout human history. Another way of describing the pain-body is this: the addiction to unhappiness. “
Eckhart Tolle

Our HEART space innately vibrates with courage, the word courage in French and Latin stems from the word cour or cuer meaning with heart. It takes courage to pave news ways, to face your body of pain so you may live as a bright Light.

Allowing yourself vast amounts of forgiveness and faith, cultivating self-Love and egoless confidence are also keys to pave new roads. Find healthful ways to support yourself within your journey, this will be different for us all, whether this is through meditation, healing body-work, exercise, vibrant nutrition or a great friend who will listen and love you and be honest with you, a good movie and chocolate cake or a good book and a glass of wine. As we move forward into the Aquarian Age it is not about the individually going it alone but the individual going it alongside, knowing our individual growth affects the collective, from the immediate family to the person you’ll never meet in this life-time.

Nothing is impossible, Everything is Possible. We must think outside the box, it may at times be a matter of creating a plan and re-creating the plan and re re-creating the plan; there is no longer a choice to give up. Flexibility is essential. Mastery and wisdom does not come through success, it comes from our failures, the learning.

So with all this said Wednesday was our last New Moon for 2009. This New Moon is an opportunity to be more in our angelic selves, it’s a time to sew the seeds of truth and heart, to look back at the past year and with courage face and release whatever does not serve you and the good of others at large. It is in this Waxing Moon (from the New Moon to the day before the Full Moon) that we connect with the heart with more ease as our angelic sides are more awakened by the energies of the waxing moon.

So take some quiet reflective time in these remaining days of 2009, sow new seeds and Journal your Ideas/Dreams/Visions with which you can make change and like a to-do list face and embrace one thing at a time and from that point you will be guided by your heart and the angels with which is the next step. If you don’t know what to do in a situation do nothing…until you get the intuitive feeling. This nothing is not a justification for procrastination :)! And it may be that with each step you take you have to re-write your list. Writing in a journaling manner helps you create the action, as writing is the beginning of manifestation of the physical plane. When we continue to think or feel about it, is left in our head and heart in the divine and astral planes. Write your beauty on the page and step by step start to live it.

I am sending you all
for the Holiday Season

May you be blessed with the warmth & courage
of the SUN in your Hearts

See you in 2010

To read more about Harmonyum see below see past posts,
or contact me for further information.

To book appointments please email; include your phone number.
I am also happy to answer any of your questions.


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Feel, Taste, See

Feel like You and Renew

Taste food that will Heal your Everything
125 1/2 East 17th Street NYC

See Yourself in all the pages of this Beautifully Insightful Story
Paulo Coelho

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Seeds of the New Moon

Dearest Friends,

Happy and Blessed New Moon
I hope this finds you all radiant in your heart and smiling in your mind.

The New Moon marks the beginning of the waxing Moon, a time for us to plant new seeds, that will grow into strong trees and blossom sweet fruit that again will sow plentiful seeds. New seeds come in the shapes of many, inspiring conversations, sharing heartfelt truths of dreams, journalling to-do lists on how you will manifest, a simple action each day towards a new habit that will facilitate more health and joy filled life, like eating well. Whatever it may be, the cycles of nature are so for a reason, they are a guide, a masterful guide that we can draw upon for inspiration and counsel.

We all need a road map in life and the shift and changes of nature can be a expansive teacher and map to the inner workings of our innate intelligence. The likeness of the universe as the macrocosm and man as the microcosm, continually reflecting each other. So I encourage you all to look within and begin a new habit, sowing the seeds of your heart in this waxing Moon. Envision the eternal candle light that lives in your heart and let it light you way with courage, take risks and shine bright. As we do this we give light for others around to do the same and it reflects back to us with even more brilliance. One step at a time in the path of 1000 steps. As we experience the shifts in season and move towards the busy fall and winter months its important to think about how we relax, relaxation is so integral towards health, healing and happiness. Is there any point in just go go go and then waking up one day and going what did I really do for the last month, every day is loaded with beauty and opportunity for evolution and healing, joy and laughter even under the most extreme pressure. This though is only possible when there is a state of relaxation, in turn creating a state of absolute presence in each and every moment, a state or relaxed being that is accessed simply and innately.

Given the stress that is occupying the larger part of society from many different angles, financial, emotional, health we have lost touch with relaxation in it simplicity. I am not talking of booking a flight to the Bahama's for 10 days I am talking about the simple ability to breathe and smile in the face of life, to be able to take time for your self and move through your day feeling and living life in all it shades and tones. You get to the end of your day and you remember it all, some with love and some with discernment and all with a sense of humor. When this behaviour takes place you are able to work with ease and keep up the pace, make decisions with clarity and intuitive intelligence, know when to serge ahead and when to step back. Our ability to relax greatly influences our health, physically, emotionally and mentally. Our ability to relax and surrender is a very important place to experience as it is the doorway to making and or receiving change.

Relaxation is ultimate to total well-being. True growth and change is evolutionary not revolutionary, and happiness in life begins with happiness in the self, and this happiness begins with RELAXING.
Below is simple and beautiful mediation that cultivates relaxation and, peace, self-confidence and truth. I particularly like to practice this with this musical accompaniment, Ardas Bahee by Simrit Kaur its very transcending.This mantra brings hope and grants humility.


1. Sit in a meditative position, hands in prayer pose at your heart center.(This Mudra balances the hemispheres of the brain)
2. Close your eyes and focus at your third eye point.
3. Inhale through nose 20 counts, Hold 20 counts and Exhale through nose 20 counts.

Minimum 3 minutes, a good time period to really start to feel the benefits is 11 minutes and you may extend up to 31 minutes.

Ideally we want to work to 20 counts, start with what you can do having all 3 parts equal eg Inhale 8, Hold 8, Exhale 8, the result will still take effect even with less time, and work towards the count of 20 and you will see the benefits evolve as you do. As we slow the rate of the breath down it slows the mind and emotions and promotes relaxation of the nervous system and inturn the rest of being follows. This breath pattern can be practiced anytime, anywhere no need to attach this mudra, the breath alone will change the space within and outside, so you may practice in a meeting, on the subway, on the line at the grocery store. Like attracts Like.

To truly see the effects of any meditation in your daily life, it is like everything it takes commitment, a practice of 40 days and you will unquestionably feel, see and live the difference.

To book appointments please email & include your phone number.
I am also happy to answer any of your questions.

Sending you all LOve, Peace and SunLight

Harmonyum is the science of releasing our life force, so as to strengthen our radiance and give us an expanded life and capacity. Harmonyum is the science of returning the systems of the body to a healthy balance unblocking the innate natural healing capacities of the body. As we are turned toward our higher nature our life capacity is expanded and strengthened.
Harmonyum involves the touch of the hands along and around the client's spine and head with the client remaining fully clothed. This soothing and continuous touch promotes feelings of calmness and serenity, a gentle and non-invasive healing process.
Harmonyum raises the vibratory frequency of the physical body, in turn raising the frequencies of the mental and spiritual bodies. It neutralizes negative karmic effects or energy blocks from the past, while releasing the body's vital life force, and activating the body's innate healing mechanism. Harmonyum transforms your life as it synchronizes physical and mental functions in order to enhance our adaptive capacities, leading to glowing health, happiness and longevity through slowing down of the aging process.
Harmonyum is Rejuvenation. The results of Harmonyum after a single session will be a deep sense of relaxation and peace, as if years of mediation have been practiced. After a few sessions of Harmonyum your whole being will vibrate with vitality and you will experince an aligning toward your truest and highest nature.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Happy Light Filled Spring

Dearest Friends and Family

Happy Light Filled Spring

As we hear the birds tweeting and see the new shoots sprouting from the earth and the blue sky revealing her vastness we are encouraged by the gifts of nature to find and unveil these qualities with in ourselves.

Wherever our lives are directed individually there is always cause for stress and desire for renewal this is the nature of our being and the polarities of the world that we live. So within every stress is the key to the seed of renewal.

Tomorrow, Thursday April 9th we have the Full Moon at 9:55am.
The full moon is a potent time for aligning with the immutable laws of nature. From the full moon to the new moon is called the waning moon and this is a time to let go, to clean and heal on all planes, mental, physical and emotional. It is a time to bring balance and harmony between our mind, body and spirit so that your life is working for you and not against you. The waning moon is a time when our animalistic side can be more predominate and thus when we endeavor to consciously bring balance on a daily basis we move from the animalistic side toward/into our angelic qualities.

Take time this Full Moon and recognize what it is you would like to let go. Take a few minutes each morning to recognize the aspect, habit or behavior and see it replaced with the new behavior. Throughout each day open your awareness to slow down and recognize where you may entertain or unconsciously use this trait and with kindness toward yourself forgive and replace with a new more uplifting habit, it takes will and courage for transformation and at times is uncomfortable, yet the rewards are infinite and and most often beyond what we can imagine.

Hamrmonyum Healing will raise your vibratory frequency of the entire physical body, in turn raising the frequencies of the mental and spiritual bodies. It will neutralize negative karmic effects or energy blocks from the past, while releasing the body's vital life force, and activating the body's innate healing mechanism. Harmonyum will transform your life as it synchronizes physical and mental functions in order to enhance our adaptive capacities, leading to glowing health, happiness and longevity through slowing down of the aging process.

Sending you all LOve, PEace and LIght

  1. Sit in a meditative position, spine straight with the chin tucked in toward the front of your throat.
  2. Your hands rest on your knees in Gyan Mudra, index finger and thumb tips touching
  3. Your eyes are one tenth open focusing at the tip of your nose.
  4. Your teeth are locked firmly together and the underside of your tongue is pressed to the roof of your mouth.
  5. Mentally project the words Sa Ta Na Ma form your brow point between your brows the Third Eye point.
  6. Continue for 15-90 minutes
*Sa Ta Na Ma= Infinity, Life, Death, Rebirth
To be practiced only on the day of the Full Moon

Anastasia Williams
917 664 2309

Please feel free to share this with friends and family.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Conscious timing is everything

Learn how to illuminate your most divine qualities, realize and achieve your spiritual and worldly goals through the practical application of Divine Spiritual Wisdom. Illuminate the positive aspects of yourself and move away form the more challenging traits or that, which does not serve your highest good. Bring greater prosperity to both your personal and business relationships and projects through the practical application of Universal Kabalistic numerology.

Our lives have particular rhythms and cycles, there are tides in our human affairs just as there are tides upon the earth. When we take these tides, rhythms and cycles into consideration we can become extremely fortunate.

Throughout life we are all tested by challenges, we live in a world of duality and our life is governed by vibration, therefore it is imperative that we not battle with these forces, yet merge with the guidance they have for us to receive the most from our life each year and ourselves.

Divine Spiritual Wisdom gives you the guidance to receive and achieve the most from your life and meet the challenges with grace and intuition. It will allow you to make conscious choices, which will bring vastness and harmony to your life and the desire to be a better human being.

It is time to walk the distance from your head to your heart Divine Spiritual Wisdom will support you all the way.


Meditation will show you the root of blockages and imbalances, bad habits and unconscious living. It will clean your mind and make way for accepting the beauty and potential you were born to be. It will plant the seeds of Sunlight and grow the tree of Faith, with branches of Hope and flowers of Love.

Harness the energy of the mind and emotions with breath, mantra and visualization. Through the practical application of meditation on a consistent basis you will welcome:

• Healing

• Relaxation

• Elevation

• Experience the beauty and clarity of your spirit

• Live life with the fullness of joy and the fullness of the heart


Naam Yoga is a Spiritual science and art that opens the heart, cultivates radiance and cleansing, bestowing upon you a luminous aura. Naam Yoga enables us to become more Aware and Conscious allowing us to better direct our behavior, our choices, our relationships and our lives.

It Purifies, Stimulates and Strengthens all the body's systems; Strengthens the nerves, the digestive system, the immune system, glandular system; Removes toxins; Purifies the blood; Cleanses the glandular systems; and it shifts one's state of mind toward Consistent Positivity.

Classes involve the use of Breath, Physical Exercise, Mudra (hand positions; acts in a similar way to reflexology) and Mantra* (sacred word; regulates the mind and shifts consciousness, stimulates meridan points).

My Classes are Personally Tailored to accommodate the needs and desires of each person. Some classes can have a very spiritual essence and others will be designed to meet the more skeptical of minds and personalities. Regardless, Naam will subtly awaken the spirit within all clients.


Harmonyum is Rejuvenation

Harmonyum is healing system born out of the Universal Kabbalah, it raises the vibratory frequency of the whole spiritual body, neutralizing negative karmic effects, or energy blocks from the past while releasing the body's life force, and activating the body's innate healing mechanism. It synchronizes physical and mental functions in order to enhance our adaptive capacities leading to glowing health, happiness and longevity through slowing down of the aging process.

It is very simple and subtle, in its receiving, yet deep and profound and permanent in its healing. The ultimate true and lasting healing is Self Healing, which Harmonyum activates.

Harmonyum works by regulating the autonomic nervous system. Strong and vibrant health relies upon this system working well and harmoniously. As a result of modern life, we often live in a state of constant and hyper alertness, weakening our ability to relax. Our ability to relax greatly impacts us physically, emotionally and mentally. Our ability to relax and surrender is a very important place to experience as it is the doorway to making and or receiving change.

Harmonyum is a technique that uses touch of the hands along and around the client's spine and head with the client remaining fully clothed. This soothing and continuous touch promotes feelings of calmness and serenity. It is a gentle and non-invasive healing process that releases a large amount of divine love, peace and light healing energy in the recipient.

After a single session of Harmonyum you will experience a depth of relaxation and peace as if years of mediation have been practiced. After a few sessions of Harmonyum your whole being will vibrate with vitality, and you will experience an aligning of yourself toward your highest of nature.