125 1/2 East 17th Street NYC
Paulo Coelho
Thoughts and feelings, ideas and experiences, techniques and practices to encourage the heart within the heart & the heart with in the mind.
Conscious timing is everything
Learn how to illuminate your most divine qualities, realize and achieve your spiritual and worldly goals through the practical application of Divine Spiritual Wisdom. Illuminate the positive aspects of yourself and move away form the more challenging traits or that, which does not serve your highest good. Bring greater prosperity to both your personal and business relationships and projects through the practical application of Universal Kabalistic numerology.
Our lives have particular rhythms and cycles, there are tides in our human affairs just as there are tides upon the earth. When we take these tides, rhythms and cycles into consideration we can become extremely fortunate.
Throughout life we are all tested by challenges, we live in a world of duality and our life is governed by vibration, therefore it is imperative that we not battle with these forces, yet merge with the guidance they have for us to receive the most from our life each year and ourselves.
Divine Spiritual Wisdom gives you the guidance to receive and achieve the most from your life and meet the challenges with grace and intuition. It will allow you to make conscious choices, which will bring vastness and harmony to your life and the desire to be a better human being.
It is time to walk the distance from your head to your heart Divine Spiritual Wisdom will support you all the way.
Meditation will show you the root of blockages and imbalances, bad habits and unconscious living. It will clean your mind and make way for accepting the beauty and potential you were born to be. It will plant the seeds of Sunlight and grow the tree of Faith, with branches of Hope and flowers of Love.
Harness the energy of the mind and emotions with breath, mantra and visualization. Through the practical application of meditation on a consistent basis you will welcome:
• Healing
• Relaxation
• Elevation
• Experience the beauty and clarity of your spirit
• Live life with the fullness of joy and the fullness of the heart
Naam Yoga is a Spiritual science and art that opens the heart, cultivates radiance and cleansing, bestowing upon you a luminous aura. Naam Yoga enables us to become more Aware and Conscious allowing us to better direct our behavior, our choices, our relationships and our lives.
It Purifies, Stimulates and Strengthens all the body's systems; Strengthens the nerves, the digestive system, the immune system, glandular system; Removes toxins; Purifies the blood; Cleanses the glandular systems; and it shifts one's state of mind toward Consistent Positivity.
Classes involve the use of Breath, Physical Exercise, Mudra (hand positions; acts in a similar way to reflexology) and Mantra* (sacred word; regulates the mind and shifts consciousness, stimulates meridan points).
My Classes are Personally Tailored to accommodate the needs and desires of each person. Some classes can have a very spiritual essence and others will be designed to meet the more skeptical of minds and personalities. Regardless, Naam will subtly awaken the spirit within all clients.
Harmonyum is Rejuvenation
Harmonyum is healing system born out of the Universal Kabbalah, it raises the vibratory frequency of the whole spiritual body, neutralizing negative karmic effects, or energy blocks from the past while releasing the body's life force, and activating the body's innate healing mechanism. It synchronizes physical and mental functions in order to enhance our adaptive capacities leading to glowing health, happiness and longevity through slowing down of the aging process.
It is very simple and subtle, in its receiving, yet deep and profound and permanent in its healing. The ultimate true and lasting healing is Self Healing, which Harmonyum activates.
Harmonyum works by regulating the autonomic nervous system. Strong and vibrant health relies upon this system working well and harmoniously. As a result of modern life, we often live in a state of constant and hyper alertness, weakening our ability to relax. Our ability to relax greatly impacts us physically, emotionally and mentally. Our ability to relax and surrender is a very important place to experience as it is the doorway to making and or receiving change.
Harmonyum is a technique that uses touch of the hands along and around the client's spine and head with the client remaining fully clothed. This soothing and continuous touch promotes feelings of calmness and serenity. It is a gentle and non-invasive healing process that releases a large amount of divine love, peace and light healing energy in the recipient.
After a single session of Harmonyum you will experience a depth of relaxation and peace as if years of mediation have been practiced. After a few sessions of Harmonyum your whole being will vibrate with vitality, and you will experience an aligning of yourself toward your highest of nature.