Happy New Moon
another cycle in motion Yea!
The world is shifting for each one of us, some days it feels magnificent and some days its like a really bad joke and may feel like the rug was pulled from underneath your feet and you are falling far. Nothing is random and everything is in perfect design. This can be hard to accept at times and it is up to each of us to shift our perspective and not be victim of or circumstances. To stand up and be your own witness and look for what is the blessing, what is the lesson and what is the healing.
Every circumstance will contain these three:
A Blessing
A Lesson
A Healing
A Lesson
A Healing
“Could you but keep your heart in wonder at the daily miracles of your life, your pain would seem no less wondrous than your joy.” Kahlil Gibran
We are truly blessed to be living through such diverse and trans-formative times, though it is very important to be aware of your Body of Pain. Working with the breath will assist you in not getting caught in your STORY and enable you to shift your frequency/vibration to merge with that of your higher self. To walk in grace through challenge and stand in truth when times are dark and to give a hand to those that are down when you are UP. Befriending and cultivating a strong relationship and understanding of your breath will give you mastery over your mind. The frequency of your mind will meet that of your breath. The breath is also known as the voice of the soul, as you strengthen your relations with your breath in-turn you are creating a platform for your souls voice to be heard, making a difference in your life and the lives of others.
With any practice consistency is KEY to the door of transformation. Start simple and small and over time this SEED will grow into a tree, a tree of LIFE. You will be greatly surprised and rewarded for your commitment. Commitment builds character. As the world shifts around and through us we need to cultivate a new form of fitness SPIRITUAL FITNESS. Being spiritually fit is of the utmost importance and it will carry you through everything with your heart intact and open. So as you give your attention to bringing fitness to your body and or your mind please take time for your spiritual fitness.
With any practice consistency is KEY to the door of transformation. Start simple and small and over time this SEED will grow into a tree, a tree of LIFE. You will be greatly surprised and rewarded for your commitment. Commitment builds character. As the world shifts around and through us we need to cultivate a new form of fitness SPIRITUAL FITNESS. Being spiritually fit is of the utmost importance and it will carry you through everything with your heart intact and open. So as you give your attention to bringing fitness to your body and or your mind please take time for your spiritual fitness.
“The body of pain is the animal in us that causes us to act and react, creating tragedy in our lives. The body of pain is an unconscious entity within; a living energy field that engorges itself on your life energy. It thrives on pain, pain felt by the individual and pain inflicted by the individual on others. As it is fed with experience, the body of pain releases an addictive chemical in the physical body. Over time, we come to crave the sensations created when our body of pain is activated. This is how the body of pain becomes a vehicle for karma. Understand that no one is immune to the influence of their body of pain. It is the body of pain that determines the outcome of our lives, because it is the source of all disease, disorder and imbalance. Moreover, the body of pain influences the choices that shape the quality of our experiences and the extent to which we are able to find fulfillment. By extension, the body of pain influences our families, communities, nation and planet. “
Joseph Michael Levry
“The pain-body is my term for the accumulation of old emotional pain that almost all people carry in their energy field. I see it as a semi-autonomous psychic entity. It consists of negative emotions that were not faced, accepted, and then let go in the moment they arose. These negative emotions leave a residue of emotional pain, which is stored in the cells of the body. There is also a collective human pain-body containing the pain suffered by countless human beings throughout history. The pain-body has a dormant stage and an active stage. Periodically it becomes activated, and when it does, it seeks more suffering to feed on. If you are not absolutely present, it takes over your mind and feeds on negative thinking as well as negative experiences such as drama in relationships. This is how it has been perpetuating itself throughout human history. Another way of describing the pain-body is this: the addiction to unhappiness. “
Eckhart Tolle
Meditation to Collect Energy and Bring Grace
- Sit in a meditative position, spine straight with the chin tucked in toward the front of your throat. Sit in an easy pose, cross legged or in a chair.
- Your hands are held above the floor/earth outside of your knees, with the middle finger pressed further down towards the floor/earth. Gently spread the palm and fingers to be receptive to receiving.
- Your eyes are closed and focusing at your third eye point.Your teeth and jaw is relaxed with your tongue gently pressed to the roof of your mouth.
- Inhale through nose for the count of 20 seconds. Hold breath for the count of 20 seconds. Exhale through nose for the count of 20 seconds.
Continue for 11 min
NOTE: Do not be discouraged if you are unable to meet the 20/20/20, what is most important is that you start where you are able to have all parts an equal count eg: 5/5/5 or 10/10/10. Then from there it will build and expand. This breath sequence will bring your total being into a space of healing, it will strengthen and balance your auric field, it will create a state of peace withing and increase your vibration. Slowing the breath down to this rhythm increases radiance, peace, love, self-confidence and truth and as a result your life will mirror this.
Meditation can be practiced anywhere, in the park, at home, on the subway and anywhere you may feel inspired. It will harmonize and change you aura after 3 short minutes, and at 11 minutes the sympathetic and parasympathetic parts of the brain become balanced as well your glandular system and it increases the strength of your projective and protective minds.
Enjoy this waxing moon, plant seeds plentifully and spend time bringing life to your visions.
Shine On and Raise Up.
Sending you all Love, Peace and Light
Sending you all Love, Peace and Light
Personalized Mediation Guidance
Private Naam Yoga
Personalized Kabbalah Instruction
Life Guidance with Divine Spiritual Wisdom
Please call 917 664 2309 to schedule an appointment or for more information.
* 1 Hour sessions
7 West 24th St
Wednesdays: 12:30pm - 1:30pm
Sundays: 11am - 12:30pm
Sun May 16
Wed May 26
Sun June 6
Wed June 16
Sun June 20
Wed June 23